Thursday, March 19, 2009

Muscular System

The muscular syatem is smooth muscle for movement in internal organs; cardiac muscle is found only in the heart; skeletal muscle which works with the skeletal system for movement of the bones. There are three types of muscles. They are the smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle. The smooth muscle is found in in the digestive tract. It is also found in blood vessels. Cardiac muscle is only to be found in your heart. Skeletal muscle is what helps you move and is attached to your organs. When you want to move signals sound from your brain to your skeletal cells. After the signal is sent then your muscles contract or get shorter. Tendons are what connect muscle to bone. Muscles often work in pairs. Most of the time one of the muscles straightens your body and the other bends. The one that bends is called the flexor and extenser is the one that straightens your body. A great way to strengthen the skeletal muscle is by doing resistance excercise. To strengthen your muscle then you can do aerobic excercise.

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