Thursday, March 19, 2009

Circulatory System

The circulatory system moves blood throughout the body, to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the bodyand removes wastes. The circulatory system helps maintain homeostasis. It removes wastes and bringing nutrients to the cells. The right side of the lungs pumps oxygen poor blood to the lungs and the left pumps oxygen- rich blood to the body. The upper chamber is called the atrium and the lower is the ventricle. Valves are located between the two. The valves close to prevent blood from going backwards. That is how you can hear the beating of your heart. It is the valves doing their job. Blood travels through blood vessels. There are three types of them- arteries, capillaries, and veins. Arteries carry blood away from the heart. A capillary allows the exchange of blood cells and blood. A vein takes the blood to the heart. The circulation in which oxygen-rich blood flows between your lungs and heart is pulmonary circulation. The circulation of blood and the rest of the body is called systemic circulation.

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